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2024-06-11 10:06  公卫学院



姓名: 刘文婷


工作单位: 湖北医药学院公共卫生与健康学院






1.       教科研项目



2.       期刊论文


[1]   S.G. Jung*, Wenting Liu*, J.W. Baek, J.W. Moon,B.D. Ye, H.S. Lee, S.H. Park, S.K. Yang, J.J. Liu, K. Song. ExpressionQuantitative Trait Loci (eQTL) Mapping in Korean Patients With Crohn's Diseaseand Identification of Potential Causal Genes Through Integration With Disease Associations.Frontiers in Genetics. 2020 May 14;11:486. doi: 10.3389/fgene.2020.00486.eCollection 2020.(impactfactor: 3.789)PMID: 32477412 PMCID: PMC7240107

[2]   Wenting Liu, Sharmila Venugopal, Sana Majid, InSook Ahn, Graciel Diamente, Jason Hong, Xia Yang and Scott H. Chandler.Single-cell RNA-seq analysis of the brainstem of mutant SOD1 mice revealsperturbed cell types and pathways of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis.Neurobiology of Disease. 2020. Apr 30;141:104877.(impact factor: 5.332) PMID: 32360664

[3]   Lunfei Liu*, Wenting Liu*, Yuxin Zheng, Jisu Chen,Jiong Zhou, Huatuo Dai, Suiqing Cai, Jianjun Liu, Min Zheng, Yunqing Ren. Anti-TNF-α Treatment-relatedPathways and Biomarkers Revealed by Transcriptome Analysis in Chinese PsoriasisPatients.BMCSystems Biology.2019 Apr 5;13(Suppl 2):29. (impact factor: 2.505)PMID:30953507

[4]   WentingLiuand Jagath C. Rajapakse. Fusing Gene Expression and TransitiveProtein-Protein Interaction for Gene Regulatory Networks. BMCSystems Biology. 2019 Apr 5;13(Suppl 2):37. (impact factor: 2.505)PMID:30953534

[5]   WentingLiu,Jianjun Liu, and Jagath C. Rajapakse. Gene OntologyEnrichment Improves Performances of Functional Similarity of Genes. ScientificReports. 2018, 8:12100. (impact factor: 4.609) PMID: 30108262 PMCID:PMC6092333        

[6]   WentingLiu,Guangxia Li, James Cheng: Fast PageRank Approximation by AdaptiveSampling. Knowledge and Information Systems,2013, pp.1-20. (impact factor: 2.247)

[7]   WentingLiu,Kui Miao, Guangxia Li, Kuiyu Chang, Jie Zheng and Jagath C. Rajapakse: ExtractingRate Changes in Transcriptional Regulation from MEDLINE Abstracts. BMCBioinformatics, 2014, 15 (Suppl 2): S4. (impact factor: 3.114) PMID:24564647 PMCID: PMC4015878        

[8]   Woo Chin Cheng, Wenting Liu, Lin Xiao Yun, Rajkumar Dorajoo, A Mark Richards, LeeChuen Neng, Thidathip Wongsurawat, Intawat Nookaew, Vitaly Sorokin. The miRNA30b-5p - mRNA MBNL1 interaction is involved in human VSMC differentiation inhuman with coronary atherosclerosis. International Journal of MolecularSciences. 2019 Dec 18;21(1):11. (impact factor: 4.183) PMID: 31861407 PMCID: PMC6982107        

[9]   Yunqing Ren, Wenting Liu,Jisu Chen, Jianyou Wang, Ke Wang, Jiong Zhou, Sui-Qing Cai, Min Zheng, JianjunLiu, Lunfei Liu, and Dan Xue. The missense mutation of the ABCC11 gene isassociated with Axillary Osmidrosis susceptibility and clinical phenotypes inChinese Han Population. Scientific Reports. 2017, 7:46335.(impact factor: 4.609) PMID: 28485377 PMCID:PMC5423033

[10]Hong Li*, Qiang Li*, Yixuan Zhang, Wenting Liu, Bo Gu, Taro Narumi, KinLung Siu, Ji YounYoun, Peiqing Liu, Xia Yang, Hua Cai. Novel Treatment ofHypertension by Specifically Targeting E2F for Restoration of EndothelialDihydrofolate Reductase and eNOS Function Under Oxidative.  Hypertension. 2019Jan;73(1):179-189. (impact factor: 6.739)PMID:30571557 PMCID: PMC6310047

[11]Angela NBarrett, Chui-Yee Fong, Arjunan Subramanian, Wenting Liu, Yirui Feng, Mahesh Choolani, Arijit Biswas, Jagath CRajapakse, Ariff Bongso.Human Wharton’s Jelly Mesenchymal Stem Cells Show Unique Gene ExpressionCompared to Bone Marrow Mesenchymal Stem Cells Using Single-Cell RNA-Sequencing. Stem Cells and Development.2019 Feb 1;28(3):196-211. (impactfactor: 3.651)PMID: 30484393

[12]Hong Liu*, Zhen-zhen Wang*,YiLi*,Gong-qi Yu, Xi-an Fu,Chuan Wang, Wen-Ting Liu, Yong-xiang Yu, et al.Genome-wideAnalysis of Protein-Coding Variants in Leprosy. Journal ofInvestigative Dermatology, 2017, 137(12):2544-2551. (impact factor:6.880) PMID: 28842327

[13]Rajkumar Dorajoo, Rick Twee-Hee Ong,Xueling Sim, Ling Wang, Wenting Liu, E Shyong Tai, Jianjun Liu,Seang-Mei Saw. The contribution of recently identified adultBMI risk loci to pediatric obesity in a Singaporean Chinese childhood dataset.PediatricObesity. 2016. (impact factor: 4.361) PMID:27780307

[14]Hong M, Ye BD, Yang SK, Jung S, LeeHS, Kim BM, Lee SB, Hong J, Baek J, Park SH, Han B, Li Y, Liu W, Haritunians T, Taylor KD, Rotter JI, Bang SY, Kim TH,McGovern DPB, Liu J, Song K.Immunochip Meta-Analysis of Inflammatory BowelDisease Identifies Three Novel Loci and Four Novel Associations in PreviouslyReported Loci.J Crohns Colitis. 2018 May25;12(6):730-741. (impact factor:6.992)PMID:29584801

[15]Yonova-Doing E, Zhao W, Igo RP Jr,Wang C, Sundaresan P, Lee KE, Jun GR, Alves AC, Chai X, Chan ASY, Lee MC, FongA, Tan AG, Khor CC, Chew EY, Hysi PG, Fan Q, Chua J, Chung J, Liao J, ColijnJM, Burdon KP, Fritsche LG, Swift MK, Hilmy MH, Chee ML, Tedja M, BonnemaijerPWM, Gupta P, Tan QS, Li Z, Vithana EN, Ravindran RD, Chee SP, Shi Y, Liu W, Su X, Sim X, Shen Y, Wang YX, LiH, Tham YC, Teo YY, Aung T, Small KS, Mitchell P, Jonas JB, Wong TY, FletcherAE, Klaver CCW, Klein BEK, Wang JJ, Iyengar SK, Hammond CJ, Cheng CY. Commonvariants in SOX-2 and congenital cataract genes contribute to age-relatednuclear cataract. Commun Biol. 2020 Dec 11;3(1):755.(impact factor:4.165) PMID: 33311586; PMCID: PMC7733496.        

[16]Guangxia Li, Steven C. H. Hoi, KuiyuChang, Wenting Liu, Ramesh Jain: Collaborative OnlineMultitask Learning. IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and DataEngineering26(8): 1866-1876 (2014). (impact factor:3.692)        


[17]WentingLiu,Kuiyu Chang, Jie Zheng, Jain Divya, Jung-Jae Kim, Jagath C. Rajapakse. GeneRegulatory Networks from Gene Ontology. International Symposium on BioinformaticsResearch and Applications (ISBRA), 2013.Bioinformatics Research and Applications, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol.7875, 2013, pp. 87-98.        

[18]WentingLiu,Zhang Yilei, Extracting Rate-changes in TranscriptionalRegulation by Word Embedding with Sentence Structure and Domain Knowledge inDeep Neural Networks, 18th IndustrialConference (ICDM), 2018, New York, USA, July 2018,Advances in Data Mining Proceedings: 199-205.        

[19]Zhen Hai, Gao Cong, Kuiyu Chang, Wenting Liu, Peng Cheng: Coarse-to-fine Review Selection via SupervisedJoint Aspect and Sentiment Model.ACMSpecial Interest Group on Information Retrieval (SIGIR) 2014:617-626.        

[20]Guangxia Li, Kuiyu Chang, StevenC. H. Hoi, Wenting Liu, Ramesh Jain:CollaborativeOnline Learning of User Generated Content. ACMInternational Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM) 2011:285-290.        

3.       出版的学术专著和教材


4.       其他


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